Decet Romanum Pontificem

Decet Roman Pontificem is a papal bull of excommunication on 3 January 1521 with Leo X., the announced in the bull threatening excommunication excommunication of Martin Luther Exsurge Domine takes place after Luther had made ​​the call expressed in this bull to recant his theses no consequence. In addition, Luther and his followers are declared heretics.


With the excommunication of Luther is finally denied this the way an internal church reform movement. This is the division that leads to denominational independence of the Reformation churches, negative founded by the papal side. The positive shaping of the Reformation to the Augsburg Confession of 1530 can also be interpreted as a necessary response to the new situation in notarized opposition to the Pope. The associated with the Bull persecution of the followers of the Reformation hit, unlike in previous persecutions of ecclesiastical reform movements, lack; This was due not least, the current political situation in the kingdom.

The excommunication of Luther has never been repealed; because it is uncommon in the Roman Catholic Church to lift excommunications posthumously, an approximation is unsuccessful on this issue to date.


Under the same designation, Pope Gregory XV. on March 12, 1622 a decree out, in which he restricted the procedure for papal elections to only three possibilities. These were the secret ballot, the transmission of the election by the Assembly of Cardinals on of them ordered smaller body and the election by acclamation seu inspirationem.
