Deciduous teeth

How many mammals, including man in the course of life forms first a primary dentition of (milk tooth: dens deciduus, from Latin: dens ' tooth ' and decidere ' fall ', here: ' fail '), which as they grow through a permanent dentition is replaced.

Dentition in humans

In the very small pines of a baby or small child the much larger permanent teeth would not fit, neither with regard to the tooth width nor in terms of root length. For this reason, first a milk teeth, which is then replaced with growing jaw size gradually replaced by the permanent teeth. When a child is the primary dentition of 20 teeth, namely five teeth per quadrant: the central and the lateral incisor, the canine and the first and second Milchmahlzahn. ( The dentition is divided into four quadrants. Ever a right and a left in the upper and lower jaw)

The outgrowth ( " break ", dentition ) of the teeth is often painful for the child. It happens in a certain order: first break in about 6 to 8 months of age, the central incisors through.

The table gives the average breakthrough times of the deciduous teeth again:

For tooth designation, see: odontogram

The upper antagonists (counter teeth) usually break through some time after the corresponding lower teeth.

The timing of the opening is very variable, the first incisor is in the fourth month, but will only appear much later. Accordingly, then also shifts the breakthrough of other teeth.

On average all milk teeth until 30 months of age by broken and reach the end of the third year of life the full teeth so that the crowns are in contact to each opposing tooth. Root growth at this time is not yet complete and will take an additional 1 to 2 years. From the age of 3 then the use of the deciduous dentition period, which lasts until the change of teeth begins.

In very rare cases, milk teeth in infants at birth by broken, so-called dentes connati (singular: connatus dens, from Latin: dens, tooth ' and connatus innate '), also popularly known as witches teeth. Prominent examples are intended to have been the French Sun King Louis XIV and Sisi. In order to avoid infringement of the nipples during breastfeeding, they can be protected with protective caps.

The milk teeth as well as the permanent teeth tooth roots. The milk incisors and canines have one root, the molars have two in the lower jaw and the upper jaw three roots. Anomalies are very rare in the primary dentition. When the change of teeth with the consequent loss of normal milk, the milk teeth tooth roots are absorbed through the thronging permanent teeth (resolved ); the milk teeth appear to have no roots ( had ).

Before loosen the baby teeth, increase - especially in the maxillary anterior region - the gaps between the teeth. This is called the dentist Rupicolous tooth stands. It is by no means an irregularity to be treated, but a change of teeth during normal and desirable process. It is ensured by appropriate jaw growth, that for the larger permanent teeth is enough space to prevent crowding.

Loss of baby teeth

The first new, permanent tooth is usually the first molar. He breaks in about the sixth year of life behind the milk teeth through and is therefore also 6- year molar called. Only after the milk teeth are replaced. Between the sixth and the eighth year the children lose the central incisors, the lateral ones. The canines and the first Milchmahlzähne last until about the age of 13, the second Milchmahlzähne be replaced Between the 9th and the 11th year of life. Subsequently, still breaks through the second molar tooth ( 7-series ). Wisdom teeth break in from about the age of 17 by - sometimes even at an advanced age.

Premature loss of deciduous teeth

A premature loss of primary teeth is to prevent, as they also have a placeholder function for the permanent teeth in addition to the natural features, such as eating and speaking. For this purpose, make parental dental care, the individual prophylaxis and prophylaxis group a valuable contribution. A gap appears holder - In the posterior region is the case of premature loss of deciduous teeth - depending on age.

Deciduous teeth in animals

Many other mammals have a dentition, such as dogs, cats and bats, but not sloth or dolphins.
