Decimal place

The decimal places are the places behind the (right of) the decimal point one or more generally a non- integer number, which is represented by a place value system as a decimal number. In the first case one also speaks of decimals or decimals. Together they form the dot and are generally something other than the significant digits.


  • With the number 223.5678 so the scale is the four digits 5, 6, 7 and 8
  • The fraction is an infinite number of decimal places as its decimal representation never stops, it represents a periodic number


The decimal ( fractional part of English ) can be determined with the functions and ( rounding and Aufrundungsfunktionen ).

One uses for the notation, but is usually avoided because of confusion is with the amount of x.


The equally common definition

Provides for negative values ​​have no fractional part, for example:
