Deep circumflex iliac artery

The circumflex artery ilium profunda ( " deep, the iliac artery encompassing " ) in man - in addition to the inferior epigastric artery - the only departure from the outer pelvic artery (arteria iliaca externa). Even with most other mammals, however, arises from the artery from the external pelvic artery in predators directly from the aorta.

The circumflex artery ilium profunda passes behind the inguinal ligament ( inguinal ligament ), embedded in a fascial sheath, toward the front upper intestine Being Councils ( anterior superior iliac spine ). They pierced the inner Rumpffaszie ( transversalis fascia ) and the transverse abdominal muscle (musculus transversus abdominis ). Then she gives off an ascending branch ( ramus ), which supplies between querem and internal oblique abdominal muscle (musculus obliquus internus abdominis ) rises and the lateral abdominal wall (edge). This branch has a meaning in operations in the edge, because needs to be strengthened expected between these muscle layers with bleeding. In animals, the continuous branch of the circumflex artery ilium profunda is called a descending branch ( descending branch ), which pulls in the knee fold in toward your knees.

The circumflex artery ilium profunda and its ramus anastomoses in its course with several adjacent wells: lateral circumflex femoral artery, ramus iliacus artery iliolumbar and superior gluteal artery.
