Deep South

The term Deep South ( German: " Deep South " ) is the south-eastern part of the southern states of the United States.

The term is inconsistently defined. Usually he is broad and refers to the entire south of the southern states, especially the area of ​​the present states of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. This region was in the period before the Civil War, characterized by a thriving and based on slavery plantation economy.

Some American historians - for example, Ira Berlin - but grasp the concept more closely and call the Deep South, only the western part of this region, namely Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, and occasionally Arkansas and Texas. The area of the later states of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida summarizes Berlin together under the collective name Lower South.

" Deep South " is also the title of the first book of the "Louisiana Trilogy" by Gwen Bristow.
