
64.663055555556 - 21.409166666667Koordinaten: 64 ° 39 ' 47 " N, 21 ° 24' 33 " W

The Deildartunguhver ( Isl Delia share tunga headland, hver hot spring ) is a unit of hot springs located in Iceland in Reykholtsdalur. It consists of a number of geysers that gush forth from the same hill.

The Deildartunguhver at the output of Reykholtsdalur to the northwest in the direction Borgarnes.

This is the most water-rich hot springs in the country. They have an output of 180 liters / sec. hot water at 100 degrees. Pipelines carry the water up into the 60 kilometers away from Akranes and the Borg Arnes, 30 km away. In addition, numerous hamlets and farms are supplied with it.

In Reykholtsdalur can be found in the sources greenhouses with tomato plantings.
