Déjà vu

As deja vu [ deʒavy ] (Fr. " already seen " ) is defined as a psychological phenomenon ( psychopathological name: qualitative memory disorder ), which manifests itself in the feeling of having already experienced a new situation, seen but not dreaming.

Other names for this experience are paramnesia, awareness deception, Fausse reconnaissance [ fos ʀəkɔnɛsɑs ] (Fr. "false recognition " ), deja entendu phenomenon [ deʒaɑtɑdy ] or déjà Ecoute phenomenon (Fr. " heard" ) or déjà - vécu experience [ deʒaveky ] (Fr. " already seen ").

A déjà vu occurs in healthy people occasionally spontaneous, frequently in a state of exhaustion or poisoning (especially with nerve agents such as ethanol or hallucinogenic drugs ) on. As a corollary of neurosis, psychosis or organic brain diseases, especially of the temporal lobe, déjà vu experiences may also occur frequently. According to surveys 50 to 90 percent of people had at least once a déjà vu, but mostly forgotten after a certain time, where and when it last occurred.

The opposite of déjà vu, the feeling of strangeness in a familiar environment, ie ( " never seen " french) and may, under similar circumstances occur Jamais vu [ ʒamɛvy ].


1868 to the German psychiatrist Jensen introduced the term for double perception phenomena, which are now referred to as déjà vu. For Jensen's name double perception Wilhelm Sander had suggested the name paramnesia. The French philosopher E. Boirac to have the word déjà vu in 1876 used in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques ( The Future of the psychic sciences ). ( → List dictums )


Many scientists see in the exploration of déjà vu great opportunities. For example, explorations of deja vu could not only help explain how memory illusions arise, but also how it ever succeeds the brain to construct a continuous image of reality. In accordance with these expectations are abundant studies and explanations that contradict each other in part:

  • According to one hypothesis deja vu occur in situations that are reminiscent of a repressed, actually -experienced event that was perceived so short that it could not be registered consciously.
  • According to another hypothesis, repressed fantasies are the source of deja vu.
  • Maybe there are special situations in which short - and long-term memory are not coordinated with each other for a moment. After that, the experience is based on a partial match current and earlier experienced situation characteristics, which are supplemented by the pars pro toto principle: A familiar-looking situation, for example, contains a specific known odor. This single element then provides a recognition that is transmitted to the entire situation.
  • Early experiments showed that déjà vu experiences with neurochemical processes related to the temporal lobe of the brain. By electrical stimulation of the outer temporal lobe, the probability of déjà vu could be increased to four times.
  • Traumatic lesions of the temporal lobe can drag accumulations of deja vu after themselves.
  • An over-stimulation of the outer temporal lobe may also occur in patients with epilepsy. Many sufferers describe states that announce an epileptic seizure. These are referred to as an aura and are often accompanied by déjà vu associated.
  • Researchers at Duke University studied the interaction of brain regions in memories: When deja vu, only the parietal lobe is active, as opposed to real memories, claiming in addition to the temporal lobe.
  • Investigations revealed that déjà vu often occur after periods of great stress, when the stress abates and the person relaxes again.
  • Further studies showed a correlation between the ability to imagine a human being and the incidence of déjà vu.
  • Some drugs increase the likelihood of being subject to this phenomenon.

The phenomenon in art

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe describes in his book " Poetry and Truth " an experience which comes the déjà vu very close: He rode as a young man on the way back from a biographical particular situation through a landscape and looked for a moment even on a Horse riding contrary, but as an older man and in other clothes ( precognition ). A few years later he rode randomly through the same area and suddenly remembered the experience and noticed that he was wearing exactly the clothes, as in the inner picture he had seen at that time.

In episode 16 of Monty Python's Flying Circus from 1970 witnessed the host of a television program about psychological phenomena, presented by Michael Palin, a series of deja vu.

In the film matrix indicates an obvious deja vu on a manipulation of the simulated world structure.

By Ralph Wallner comes a play named " Breznknödl - Deschawü ".

2006 at the Atelier Augarten in Vienna, an exhibition under the title " Déjà vu. The eye - view of the deferment in contemporary art " instead. Seven contemporary artists take to the phenomenon of the mysterious return of the past position. On display are works by Anna Gaskell, Isabell Heimerdinger, Constantin Luser Jan Mancuska, Martina Steckholzer, David Thorpe and Clemens von Wedemeyer.

By Hannes Children & Band 's song " Déjà vu " is derived, which was released on 19 August 2013 as the single.
