Demos Shakarian

Demos Shakarian ( born July 21, 1913 in Downey, California, † July 19, 1993 ) was a Christian businessman with Armenian ancestors.


Demos was named after his grandfather, who emigrated to the U.S. in 1905 due to a prophecy of the prophets Russian Efim Gerasemovitch club Niken of Armenia. He said in 1855 requires that an unspeakable tragedy would soon befall Armenia. A large group of Pentecostal -Christian Armenians moved so years before the genocide in 1914, in which more than one and a half million Armenians were killed, according to Los Angeles over.

In the United States of America, the family worked hard and became wealthy. Demos ' ( junior ) dairy herd was the world's largest at that time. He used his organizational skills to support evangelistic meetings and started a prayer group from which later developed into the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International.


Shakarian founded in 1951 by Los Angeles from the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International ( FGBMFI ). The German subsidiary was established in 1958. Complicit in this foundation, almost simultaneously generated in Germany and Switzerland in 1957 International Association of Christian business was ( IVCG ), the name of the German branch also took first. In 1965 the name was Full Gospel Business. Today, it is Christians in the profession.

The International Association of Christian business today consists of groups ( called "Chapter " ) in 132 countries. His house magazine "Voice Magazine" has a circulation of 800,000 and its TV programs are watched by over four million people every week.

Richard Shakarian, Demos Shakarian son today is international president of FGBMFI.
