Dennis Fentie

Dennis Fentie ( born November 8, 1950 in Edmonton, Alberta ) is a Canadian politician. From 2002 to 2011 he was the prime minister of the territory Yukon and chairman of the Yukon Party.

The owner and former managing director of construction company Francis River Construction Ltd.. was from 1996 to May 2002 Member of Parliament for the Yukon New Democratic Party. He went against the party line and then moved up a month later to the conservative Yukon Party, where he was leader. In the following November he obtained with his new party the majority in the government elections in the Yukon Territory and became the head of government.

In November 2003, he came under fire when it became known that he had been sentenced in 1974 to 24 years for heroin trafficking to 4 years in prison and released after 17 months. Because of a pardon in 1996 it was no longer up seemed in his certificate.

In the elections on 3 August 2006 his government lost, although the majority, on 10 October 2006, he was confirmed in his office and now provides a second term. On June 10, 2011, he retired and handed his office to Darrell Pasloski.
