Deponent verb

A deponent ( pl. Deponentien or verba deponentia, from the Latin dēpōnere, put, put away ') is a verb that exists only in a passive form, but it has active meaning. It has " saved " according to ancient perspective figuratively His passive meaning. Deponentien are remains of a diathesis between active and passive, whatever it turns out that many Latin and Greek Deponentien German verbs with a reflexive meaning ( " to ...") correspond. Also, a certain subclass of reflexive verbs can be regarded as a variety of a diathesis own medium.

The Deponentien play in old and modern Greek, in Latin, in Old Irish and in the Scandinavian languages ​​a role. In ancient Greek, also the liabilities and medial Deponentien are to be distinguished. The Latin, which knows no medium has as Modern Greek only on the liabilities Deponentien.

Until the PPA and PFA are no active forms, because their importance is covered by the passive forms. The only form with passive meaning is the gerunds.

Examples of Latin Deponentien

  • Arbitrāri, arbitror, arbitratus sum = believe my
  • Complēcti, complector, complexus sum = embrace, include
  • Conari, conor, conatus sum = try
  • Cunctāri, cunctor, cunctatus sum = hesitate
  • Experiri, experior, expertus sum = learn, try, try
  • Frui, fruor, fructus sum ( m. Abl. ) = enjoy something
  • Fungi, fungor, functus sum ( m. Abl. ) = do something, accomplish, manage, carry out
  • Gradi, GRADIOR, go GRESSUS sum =, below
  • Hortāri, hortor, hortatus sum = exhort, urge
  • Intueri, intueor, intuitus sum = look, look
  • Laetāri, laetor, Laetatus sum = rejoice
  • Lamentāri, lamentor, lamentatus sum = complain, whine
  • Loqui, loquor, locutus sum = talk, talk
  • Niti, MONITOR, Nisus sum = to support, climbing, seek
  • Oblīvīscī, oblīvīscor, oblītus sum = forget something
  • Potīrī, potior, Potitus sum ( m. Abl. ) = usurp
  • Proficīscī, proficīscor, Profectus sum = break up march
  • (con ) Sequi, sequor, secutus sum ( m. Akk ) = follow someone, follow something that accompany
  • UTI, uthor, usus sum ( m. Abl. ) use = (be), use, apply
  • Videri, videor appear acuity sum =
  • Verērī, vereor, fear Veritus sum =

Examples of Latin Semideponentien:

  • Fidere, fido, fīsus sum = trust
  • Be Fieri, fio, factus sum = are incurred, made ​​( passive stem to facere )
  • Audere, Audeo, ausus sum = dare
  • Gaudere, GAUDEO, gavīsus sum = rejoice
  • Solēre, Soleo, solitus sum = usually ( do ), maintain
  • Confidere, confido, Confisus sum = trust
  • Diffidere, diffido, diffīsus sum = distrust, doubt
  • Reverti, revertor, reverti, reversus = return (also revertere, REVERTO, reverti, reversus )

Example, in the Latin proverb

Roma locuta, causa finita [ please complete: est ], Latin for " Rome has spoken, the matter is finished " ( free after Augustine).

Examples of ancient Greek Deponentien

In ancient Greek, the use of Deponentien is very common. The distinction between medial Deponentien ( " deponentia media (DM) " ) and liabilities Deponentien ( " deponentia liabilities ( DP) " ) shall be conducted in the aorist ( in the present tense and passive medium are the same).

Medial Deponentien:

  • φαίνομαι (Medium of φαίνω show = ) = ( show ) seem
  • παύομαι (Medium of παύω = quit ) = stop
  • μάχομαι = fight ( the aorist: ἐμαχεσάμην )

Most DM can also make passive forms with the liabilities meaning, namely a Passivaorist on - θην associated with the future tense, and she can use her as a liability Perfectly assets. An example is

  • ἀιτιάομαι = accuse ( aorist medium: ᾐτιασάμην = I accused; aorist passive: ᾐτιάθην = I was accused )

Liabilities- Deponentien

  • ὀργίζομαι = angry are ( aorist: ὠργίσθην )
  • ἡττάομαι = subject ( aorist: ἡττήθην )
  • ἡδέομαι = rejoice ( aorist: ἥσθην )

Examples of Modern Greek Deponentien

  • έρχομαι = come
  • στέκομαι = are
  • κάθομαι = ( be ) put
  • συναντιέμαι = ( to ) meet
  • σκέφτομαι = superior, think
  • αισθάνομαι = perceive, feel

Greek Deponentien originate predominantly from the semantic field of intellectual activity, of feeling or of the physical behavior and movement.

Examples of Scandinavian Deponentien

  • Att hoppas ( Sw ) = hope
  • Seem at Synes (Danish ) =
  • Exist å finnes ( norw ) =
  • Að eldast ( Isl ) = age

The Deponentien the Scandinavian languages ​​go back to the Old Norse Medio passive, a form that was created from the enclisis the reflexive pronoun sik.
