Derek Nikitas

Derek Nikitas ( born December 13, 1974 in Manchester, New Hampshire) is an American writer who has published two mystery novels.


Nikitas grew up in New Hampshire and west of the State of New York. There also play his first two novels. He studied English at the College of Brockport State University of New York with a Bachelor Degree. His Master of Fine Arts he received at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in creative writing. His first publication Pyres from 2007 was nominated for the 2008 Edgar Allan Poe Award in the category of Best First published by an American author. Joyce Carol Oates hit Pyres before for the Pushcart Prize.

2011 taught Nikitas at Eastern Kentucky University in the subjects of English and Creative Writing.


  • 2007: Pyres 2010: pyre, translated by Jens Seeling, Seeling Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 978-3-938973-11-0.
  • 2012: breakthroughs, translated by Manfred Roth, Seeling Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 978-3-938973-16-5