Derwent Valley Mills

Derwent Valley Mills is since 2001 a UNESCO World Heritage Site along the River Derwent in Derbyshire, England.

In the 18th century, here the first modern factories arose for the production of textiles, mills called because they used such as mills hydropower. The basis for this was developed by Richard Arkwright new technology for spinning cotton.

The emergence of industrial facilities in a rural setting also meant the construction of housing for the factory workers.

The World Heritage site is located on the territory of the municipalities Cromford, Belper, Milford, Darley Abbey and John Lombe. It consists of numerous buildings, of which Great Britain 867 as Listed Buildings, another has nine classified as "Scheduled Ancient Monuments ."

In "Working Textile Museum " in Richard Arkwright 's Masson Mill approximately 680,000 spindles are issued.
