Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule

The German Pilot School (DMS) was a flight school in the German Empire at the time of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. The DVS was founded on April 1, 1925 in Berlin- Staaken and its headquarters was moved in 1929 to Braunschweig - Broitzem.

The emerging at various locations in the German Reich from 1925 German commercial pilot schools, as in List on Sylt, Warnemünde and Brunswick - were in reality disguised training schools and flying units of Germany banned by the Versailles Treaty military aviation, financed through secret channels of the German Government, the German Navy and the Reichswehr. Other such devices were the Hanseatic flying school in Fassberg, the German meteorological service in Lechfeld and the forestry and agricultural flight test institute in Prenzlau. The end of 1934, there were 41 military aviators associations in Germany, who were disguised as civilian organizations.

With the founding of the Reich Air Ministry in 1933 all these camouflaged military aviation facilities went, including the German transport flying schools, under the responsibility of this Ministry over and they were incorporated in the official establishment of the Air Force on March 1, 1935, the Air Force.

The postwar " German pilot school ," said newly formed flying schools are now no longer represented on the market.
