Deutsche Welle GmbH

The German wave GmbH was a radio transmitter, which was founded by Ernst Ludwig Voss in Berlin in August 1924, and on January 7, 1926 regularly went on the air. Owners were initially to 70% of the Reichs- Rundfunk -Gesellschaft and 30%, the state of Prussia.

Was used a long wave transmitter in Kingswells, who sent to 231 kHz with 20 kW and could be received throughout Germany (also known as Germany transmitter I).

The program was first working day 15 to 20 clock of lectures every half hour and was broadcast at the station naming " German Wave". From 20 clock until its closure and on Sundays and public holidays selected programs should be adopted by regional stations, mostly it was the radio - hour Berlin, where " Germany Sender" was announced as the sender ID.

From 1931 sent the German wave of the Berlin House of Broadcasting, the German wave GmbH was officially transferred to the transmitter Germany GmbH on 1 January 1933.

Revealing for the turnaround time is a " work report " by Hans Mersmann from March 1933, who had to defend as " head of the music department of the Deutsche Welle and the Germany station" against attacks. Although the exact date and the addressee of the Statement of Work are unclear, the document provides information on the cultural and political situation of the time, especially on tasks and forms of music programming. Through the National Socialist regime Mersmann was relieved in 1933 of all offices.
