Deutschlandsberg District

The political district of Germany Mountain is located in southwestern Styria in Austria.


Geographical Location

The district is located in southwestern Germany mountains of Styria in the Lavanttaler Alps. It is bounded on the west and southwest of the Kor and the South East - east of Radlpasses - from Poßruck. In the north it is bounded by the eastern foothills of the Packalpe. Only in the East, there is no natural limit. The district measures in both north-south and east-west direction at the widest point about 35 km.

The district is mostly drained eastward to the Mur way. The extreme north-east on the border with the county of Graz-Umgebung belongs to the catchment area of ​​the Kainach. The north is drained by the Laßnitz and its main tributary, the Stainzbach. The southern part of the catchment area of the Black and the White Sulm, the two source rivers of Sulm. The southeast is drained by the Saggaubach. Only the Feistritzwerke in the Southwest is one of the tributaries of the river Drava.

The highest elevations in the county are the Handalm (1853 m above sea level. A. ) in the northwest and the Great Speikkogel ( 2140 m above sea level. A. ) to the west. The lowest point is 286 meters above sea level. A. in the municipality of Preding.

Adjacent authorities

The district Germany mountain borders in the north to the district Voitsberg, on the northeast by the district Graz-Umgebung and on the east by the district of Leibnitz, which also includes all three of Styria. To the west it borders on the district of Wolfsberg in Carinthia. In the south of the district of Slovenia borders.

Administrative divisions

The district Germany mountain is divided into 40 municipalities, including the City, and eleven market towns. The total area is 863.49 km ², in the list, the number of inhabitants on 1 January 2013.

The most important of the abbreviations used are:

  • M = center of the municipality
  • Stt = district
  • R = Rotte
  • W = hamlet
  • D = village
  • ZH = Scattered houses
  • Sdlg = settlement
  • E = bowery (only if they have their own town code)

The complete list that uses the Statistics Austria, can be found at Topographic settlement Labelling according to STAT

Please note that some places may have different spellings. So Katastralgemeinden write differently than the same localities.

Source: Statistics Austria - Steiermark list (PDF)


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District captains since 1868

1939-1945 District Administrators. As of data not otherwise specified denote the beginning of the year.

  • Ferdinand Praunegger (from August 3, 1868 )
  • Gustav Gutmann ( from 8 July 1871)
  • Franz Lautner (from February 27, 1873 )
  • Julius Ritter von Franzi Vesteneck ( after 25 September 1881)
  • Alexander Freiherr von Neupauer (from 28 January 1888)
  • Rudolf Graf Pace ( August 25, 1890)
  • Johann Hussak (from 24 January 1897)
  • Otto Demeter Tirka ( May 23, 1901) (until 20 July 1904 head )
  • Josef de Villavicencio (from January 19, 1906)
  • Ferdinand Zoffal (from August 28, 1913 ) ( to 1915 Head of Office )
  • Viktor Kastner Pöhr (from March 1924)
  • Hans Knieli ( from 1933 to 11 March 1938 and from June 25, 1945 )
  • Anton Stiegler ( 12 to 14 March 1938)
  • Josef Pleunik (March 15, 1938 to August 30, 1938 )
  • Alois Dieber ( 15 September 1938 to 31 August 1939)
  • Rudolf Schwarz (31 August to 2 September 1939)
  • Wolfgang Buder ( from 2 September 1939)
  • Wolfgang Kunz (from July 26, 1940 )
  • Herbert Leonhardt (from April 1943)
  • Josef Huber ( from November 1944)
  • Hans Knieli (from June 25, 1945 )
  • Anton Kronabether (from 1949)
  • Friedrich Mayer ( 1960 )
  • Artur Prommer (from 1965)
  • Herbert Schell ( 1974 )
  • Ingrid Klug - Funovits (from 1989)
  • Helmuth - Theobald Mueller (from August 1996)