Diaeresis (prosody)

Diaeresis, literally " apart " is active ( for derivation and spelling variants see Article dieresis) is in phonetics and phonology, the separate pronunciation of two consecutive vowels, eg in the Aleutian Islands ( Aleutian Islands ) towards people. Without diaeresis would result i.a. the two vowels a diphthong. The opposite of diaeresis syneresis, the two vowels is also phonetically because - usually a diphthong (eg, ei, eu, au in German ) - contracts.

Through the diaeresis, the vowels are divided into two syllables. This will create a hiatus, which is preferably eradicated in many varieties of German through a prosthesis Glottalverschlusses [ ʔ ] before the second syllable again; such as in ideal [ ideʔa ː l ː l ~ idea ], poetry or oboe.

In some languages ​​, such as French, Spanish or Dutch, the diaeresis orthographically by a diaeresis ( ¨) is identified (which, significantly, is called dieresis in Spanish).

  • Phonetics