Diamantis Panagiotopoulos

Panagiotopoulos ( born July 6, 1967 in Athens ) is a Greek classical archaeologist.

Panagiotopoulos studied 1985-1989 Classical Archaeology, Prehistory and Early History, Ancient History and Art History at the University of Athens. In 1989 he received the diploma in Athens. In 1996 he earned his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg with the work of the tholos tomb in the necropolis of E Phourni ( Archanes ). Studies on a northern outpost of Mesara funeral culture. From 1999 to 2003, he worked as a lecturer in Heidelberg and Salzburg. 2003 took place in Salzburg habilitation of Classical Archaeology of Mycenaean seal practice. Since 2003 he has been Professor of Classical Archaeology at Heidelberg. Since 2009 he is a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute.


  • The tholos tomb of E Phourni at Archanes. Studies on a frühkretischen grave Fund and its cultural context ( = BAR. International Series 1014). Archaeopress, Oxford 2002, ISBN 1-8417-1294-9.