Dianthus alpinus

Alpine Carnation ( Dianthus alpinus )

The Alpine Carnation ( Dianthus alpinus ) is a species of the genus carnations (Dianthus ) within the carnation family ( Caryophyllaceae ). It is also known as the Eastern Alps - carnation.

They, together with the glacier - carnation (Dianthus glacialis ), which grows on silicate, an vikariierendes species pair. The vernacular does not distinguish the two types and names the plants Almnagerl, Kuhdrecknagerl, Miesveigerl or Miesnagerl.


The perennial herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth of about 2 to 10 centimeters. The lanceolate to linear- lanceolate leaves are 15 to 25 millimeters long and about two to five millimeters wide. They are dull and over the middle at the widest, with a significant main nerve.

The fragrance -free, hermaphrodite, five petals, two to three centimeters in diameter. The serrated edge petals are flesh-colored. The throat is mottled deep purple and white. The tubular and bell-shaped calyx is 12 to 18 millimeters long. Two or four herbaceous calyx scales are drawn out into a long point. The plate of the petals is 10 to 15 millimeters long. The capsule is shorter than the calyx.

Bloom time is from June to August. Chromosome number: 2n = 30,


The lime-loving plant is endemic to the northeastern Calcareous Alps in the area of ​​the Dead Mountains to Semmering. In Upper Austria the east of the Traun and in Lower Austria and Styria.

The kalkstete plant thrives at altitudes from 1000 to 2300 meters above sea level, but rises in screes occasionally down to 700 meters.

As location stony, loose grass, mats and pastures, occasionally also preferred Legföhrengebüsche.

The species is often cultivated in gardens Alps, where, however, be extended by the lower UV portion of the stems and loses the flower color luminosity.

Flowers Ecology

This species is extremely light as all the cloves loving. In the heyday of the nectar of an annular gland at the base of the stamens is excreted. Due to the long and narrow calyx tube of this only long-tongued moths is accessible. The dark purple and white juice times point the way to the nectar source. The flowers are clearly vormännlich, the anthers mature before the scars, which ensures cross-pollination.


The species is fully protected in Styria and Upper Austria.
