Dianthus superbus

Splendour carnation (Dianthus superbus )

The splendor of carnation (Dianthus superbus ) is a plant that belongs to the carnation family ( Caryophyllaceae ).


The splendor of carnation grows as overwintering green, perennial herbaceous plant with mostly simple stems and reaches heights of growth between 20 to 60 centimeters. The oppositely arranged leaves are constantly linear - lanceolate, with a width of 5 and 10 millimeters.

The flowering period extends from June to September. The flowers appear singly or in few-flowered, loose inflorescences. The fragrant, hermaphrodite flowers are radial symmetry and fünfzählig. The five - purple to pale purple petals are slashed frayed depending on the subspecies approximately to the center.


The splendor Elke is a Hemikryptophyt or a marsh plant that grows on in bog and Molinia meadows and also inhabited humid oak forests.

They wintered near the ground by long shoots.

The slashed petals achieve a very good show effect. Thus, experiments with bees that increased fragmentation leads to a more frequent visit to the flower. Presumably, this is also true for butterflies. By about 35 mm long corolla tube only butterflies or diurnal moth come as the Hummingbird Hawk ( Macroglossum stellatarum ) as pollinators in question.

The flowers have a faint scent of vanilla and are bearded at the base, which serves to protect the nectar.

There are hermaphroditic and purely female plants.


The first publication of Dianthus superbus was performed in 1755 by Carl Linnaeus in Flora Suecica, Editio Secunda Aucta et Emendata, p 146 The epithet superbus means proud, stately and refers to the splendid appearance of the flower.

The taxonomy of the species requires further study. For Austria the following sub- types are specified:

  • Wet meadows Splendour carnation (Dianthus superbus superbus subsp. ): Stem ascending, grass green, branchy, usually five to zehnblütig; Chalice overflowing green or purple, Kronplatte slotted irregular fiederig about 20 millimeters long and wide across the middle. At the base with green stain. As the site alternating wet meadows are preferred in the lowlands.
  • Alpine Splendour carnation (Dianthus superbus subsp alpestris. ): Stem steeply ascending, bluish pruinose, usually one to fünfblütig. Calyx brownish red or purple. Kronplatte about 30 millimeters long and hardly slotted over the middle gabelig in linealische sections. At the base of mostly black spotted. As the site especially Bürstlingsrasen of the subalpine be neglected grassland, preferably to alpine altitude level.

Occurrence and risk

The distribution area of ​​superb carnation includes Europe and Asia. Scattered in Central Europe, this type is largely absent in Germany north of the Main.

In Germany, the superb carnation is considered endangered (Level 3). The superb carnation is fully protected in Austria.


Splendour carnation (Dianthus superbus ):


Jirisan, Korea


  • Dianthus superbus subsp. superbus. In: FloraWeb.de.
  • Dianthus superbus. In: FloraWeb.de.