Dictenidia bimaculata

Dictenidia.bimaculata, males

Dictenidia bimaculata is a Fly from the family of crane flies ( Tipulidae ). It is the only species of its genus in Europe.


The crane fly reaches a body length of 11.0 to 19.5 millimeters. Your body has a glossy black color and is multicolored patterned. The abdomen usually wearing rust-colored spots. The hips ( coxae ) are black brown. In the males of the sensor from the fourth member are occupied with comb teeth from the fourth to eleventh member of the basal tooth is longer than the distal. The antennal segments of the females are from the fourth limb slightly wider than long.

Lifestyle and dissemination

The animals come from western Europe to southern Siberia and settle in deciduous and mixed forests. They fly from May to September. The larvae develop on tree stumps.

