
The diction (from the Latin dictio "conversation, conversation, lecture, speech" ) is an oral or written expression or speech of a person or of a specific text.

Often the term is used synonymously with style. As a style, however, the character of an entire literary genre ( letter style, epic style, newspaper style, etc.) or style level is correct ( simple, superior, mixed ), while you give the personal style of an author as his style and the specific linguistic expression of a text may designate as its diction. This distinction has been blurred, however, by the fact that the concept of fashion today is widely regarded as obsolete and is therefore assumed its importance with the style of expression.

The term diction is also usually based particularly on the basal properties of a text such as word choice, sentence structure, logic and rhythm, while thinking in style ( and fashion ) especially at the upscale style such as rhetorical figures, as well as personal characteristics or inventions of the author.
