Dictionnaire historique et critique

The Dictionnaire historique et critique of the early French Enlightenment philosopher Pierre Bayle, first published in 1697, is a combination of encyclopedia and Reallexikon. The specific in this lexicon is that Bayle on any topic theses and antitheses - topped with sources - represents. Hence, his approach differs from that of the later Encyclopaedists. Only his article skepticism they took in their monumental work.


The Dictionnaire historique et critique ( DHC ) was published in 1697 as the first edition in two volumes and has been widely reprinted. It is considered one of the most important encyclopedias of the Enlightenment.

Starting point for Bayle was Louis Moréris Grand dictionnaire historique, which was published in 1674 in Lyon.

See also: History and development of the Encyclopedia

Anti- Encyclopedia

Pierre Bayle realized with the DHC a kind of anti - encyclopedia that is not a designated as a secured knowledge and research status, but opposing positions equal parent-child relationship or against each other faces pondering; he also uses a complex page layout with numerous footnotes and cross-references. In his Dictionnaire historique et critique he undertakes a rigorous source-critical sighting of the theological, philosophical and historical knowledge of his time.

The book was banned immediately after publication by the censors. Nevertheless, the Dictionaire found his readers and became the " bible of the Enlightenment," Wilhelm Dilthey even speaks of the " armory of the Enlightenment".

The literary scholar Paul Michel:

The facts mazes that creates Bayles, do exactly the opposite of what a normal encyclopaedia tried:

  • They provide knowledge not as secured his facts, but facts draw into doubt;
  • The references to sources make kritisier facts and verifiable;
  • Also completely atypical for an encyclopaedia, is the cultivation of style means the footnote.

Macro-and microstructure

An example of the complex type area of the work, which combines a two-column and set, footnotes and marginalia, is shown on the right.

Hannelore gardener describes the typical arrangement of items:

Bayles method is partially underwritten by Diderot in the Encyclopédie in a more moderate form. For example, the article Pyrronienne based ( skepticism ) on Bayles critical entry.

Editions and translations

Original editions

Editions in French

English Translation

Translation into English by Banrad, Birch and Lockman in several editions 1709-1741

German translation

Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766) made ​​to an annotated German translation:

Mr. Peter Baylens, weyland professor of philosophy and history to Rotterdam, Historic and Critisches dictionary, translated according to the latest edition of 1740 in the German; also provided with a preface and various notes particularly bey offensive passages, by Johann Christoph Gottscheden .... Leipzig: Breitkopf

  • Part 1: A and B: in addition to the life of Mr. Bayle Mr Desmaizeaux. 1741
  • Part 2: C- J: With the famous Mr. Maturin Veyssiere la Lroze and various other comments, particularly bey offensive passages. 1742
  • Part 3: K -P: With the famous Mr. Frey of Leibnitz and Mr. Maturin Veissiere la Lroze, also various other comments, particularly bey offensive passages. 1743
  • Part 4: QZ: with a complete register of all four parts. 1744

An annotated reprint was published in 1997:

  • Historical and critisches dictionary: According to the latest edition of 1740 translated into German, with a preface and various annotations provided by Johann Christoph Gottsched: with a foreword by Erich Beyreuther. Reprint of Leipzig, Breitkopf, 1741 [ -1744 ]. Hildesheim [ inter alia ]: Olms, 1997 Vol 1: A-B - ISBN 3-487-04791-8
  • Vol 2: C- J - ISBN 3-487-04792-6
  • Vol 3: K -P - ISBN 3-487-04793-4
  • Vol 4: Q -Z - ISBN 3-487-04794-2

A selection with a new translation presented Günter Gawlick together:

  • Günter Gawlick ( translator's and eds.): Historical and Critical Dictionary: a selection ( Philosophical Library, 542). Hamburg: Meiner, 2003 ISBN 3-7873-1619-1.

Online editions

  • Dictionnaire historique et critique (1740 )