Dii Consentes

The Dei Consentes or Dii Consentes were a group of 12 gods who were highly respected by the Romans. The poet Ennius called in the 3rd century BC, the following 6 male and 6 female gods:

  • Jupiter - Zeus
  • Juno - Hera
  • Minerva - Athena
  • Vesta - Hestia
  • Ceres - Demeter
  • Diana - Artemis
  • Venus - Aphrodite
  • Mars - Ares
  • Mercurius - Hermes
  • Neptune - Poseidon
  • Vulcan - Hephaestus
  • Apollo - Apollo.

Your gilded statues stood in the Roman Forum, later apparently in the portico Deorum Consentium whose recovery is occupied by Vettius Agorius Praetextatus in 367 by an appropriate inscription. The gods were worshiped at lectisternium, a banquet of the gods. The statues of the gods were put upon cushions and offers them a feast.

The number 12 was taken over by the Etruscans, which also worshiped a pantheon of 12 gods. And derives the name Consentes since the Roman writers the Etruscan name with Consentes (from " agree " ) or Complices (from " pooling " ) reproductions, therefore the name of a kind of council. This Etruscan Götterrat advised the supreme god Tinia, the Etruscan equivalent of Jupiter, especially when it came to spin a certain type of lightning. About the composition of this council nothing is known.

We identified the Roman Dei Consentes with the Greek Olympian gods. The first three gods Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, forming the Capitoline triad and led the others.
