
Life image of Dimorphodon macronyx

Dimorphodon was a genus of medium-sized pterosaur from the Lower Jurassic of Europe. Dimorphodon means " two types of teeth " (Greek di - two, morphe - "Form", odon - "tooth" ). In four to five larger teeth in the front part of the upper and lower jaws, many small teeth follow. In the classical Reptiles different tooth types are an exception, the rule is a homodonte dentition.

The petrified fossils of Dimorphodon macronyx, the type species, were found in England by Mary Anning (1799-1847) at Lyme Regis in Dorset and originally assigned to the genus pterodactyl. This region is now as Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most fossils of Dimorphodon today are in the Natural History Museum in London.


Dimorphodon was about 1 meter long and had a wingspan of 1.2 meters. He had a long tail like all early pterosaurs. His head was relatively large, tall with a length of 20 centimeters and is similar to that of a puffin. Teeth and jaws suggest that he, like most pterosaurs, a fish -eater was, could have eaten but also insects, lizards, worms and other small creatures. Dimorphodon lived about 200-175 million years ago.


  • Dimorphodon macronyx
  • Dimorphodon weintraubi