
Dinsor (also Diinsoor Dhiinsoor or written ) is a small town with an estimated 16000-20000 inhabitants in southern Somalia, east of the city Baardheere in the Bay region.

Dinsor is next to a road that leads from Baardheere after Baidoa. It serves as a marketplace for the region, such as camel herds are rounded up to the sale to Mogadishu in Dinsor. The MSF operate in Dinsor a health station, which is the only medical care for about 650,000 people in the area.

In December 2006, it came in Dinsor fighting between the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the Union of Islamic Courts.


  • Press release of the MSF to Dinsor

2.543Koordinaten: 2 ° 30 'N, 43 ° 0' O

  • Location in Somalia
  • Place in Africa