Dioscorea rotundata

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Dioscorea rotundata

Dioscorea rotundata is a species of the genus yams ( Dioscorea ) within the family of Yamswurzelgewächse ( Dioscorea ). German Trivial names are known Guinea Yam, White Yam Guinea, White Yam, White Yam, or Guinea yam. It is one of the most important cultivated yam species.


Dioscorea rotundata grows as a twining, perennial herbaceous plant. It forms root nodules as Überdauerungsorgan. The right- twining stem axis is reinforced cylindrical and often prickly. The stalked leaves are dark green.

The flowers are always unisexual.

Distribution and origin

Dioscorea rotundata is only known from culture. The origin is probably in West Africa. Several species are the source of this cultural form. Still new cultural forms of Dioscorea rotundata grown from wild forms.


The first description of Dioscorea rotundata was made in 1813 by Jean Louis Marie Poiret in Encyclopedie méthodique. Botanique ... (J. Lamarck & al. ) Supplement 3, pp. 139 A synonym of Dioscorea rotundata Poir. Dioscorea cayennensis subsp. rotundata ( Poir. ) J.Miège.


Almost 96 % of global yam production is gained from growing in sub-Saharan Africa. The proportion of Dioscorea rotundata is in this area about 90%. Only in the Ivory Coast, the main share of about 70% with Dioscorea alata is generated.

Dioscorea rotundata grown for the harvest of tubers. Dioscorea rotundata has a distinct dormancy. From planting to harvest, it takes 180 to 300 days. The harvested tubers usually weigh 2-5 kg on good acreage up to 10 kg, and 20 to 25 kg have been reported.

Trivial names

There are many common names in different languages:

  • German: Guinea- Yam, White Yam Guinea, Guinea- Yam, White Yam, Yam, White Yam
  • English: White yam, yam Guinea, Guinea yam White, Eight months yam, yam Common, round white yam,
  • French: Igname blanc, Igname de Guinée, Guinée Igname de blanche
  • Spanish: Name Guieno blanco, blanco NAME ( Dioscorea alata also )
  • Portuguese: Cara branco (Brazil )
  • Chinese: Bai shu yu
  • Japanese:シロギニアヤムShiro ginia yama
  • Russian: Белый ямс = Belyi iams, Диоскорея округлая = Dioskoreia okruglaia
  • Greek: Glycopatata
  • Italian: Dioscorea
  • Other: EBOE yam ( in West Africa)


  • Roland Dumont: Biodiversity and Domestication of Yams in West Africa. Traditional practices Dioscorea rotundata Poir Leading to, Collection Update sciences & technologies, Editions Quae, 2006 ISBN 978-2-8761-4632-7: limited preview on Google Book Search
  • EcoCrop sheet from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations = FAO, 2010.
  • Burkill HM: The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Volume 1, 1985 full-text online..