Diplôme d'études universitaires générales

The Diplôme d' études universitaires générales ( DEUG ) is an authorization certificate that corresponds to the degree after two years of university education in France. The Diploma is recognized according to international treaty for the mutual recognition of degrees between the Federal Republic of Germany and France. For Austria, similar rules apply.

The DEUG corresponds to the intermediate certificate which is awarded to German universities and colloquially known as bachelor's degree.

The Diploma in France

In France, the DEUG in the course of the study on the way to Licence ( 3 academic years ) and Maîtrise was awarded ( 4 years). Before the reform LMD ( reform in accordance with the Bologna process, the Licence, Master and Doctorat "European Financial Statements" provides ) was the DEUG a national diploma, a two-year post-graduation studies ( bac 2) completed and at that time, the end and the aim of the first study cycle. France awarded after every annual cycle a diploma but with different names:

  • DEUG (2 years )
  • Licence ( 3 years),
  • Maîtrise ( 4 years )
  • DEA / DESS (5 years),
  • Doctorat (8 years)

The DEUG is now on display as part of the first cycle as an intermediate conclusion on the way to Licence.


The DEUG replaced since 1973 the diplomas of the various faculties:

  • Law ( diplôme d' études générales juridiques )
  • Economy (le diplôme d' études économiques générales )
  • Literature ( diplôme universitaire d' études littéraires )
  • Natural Sciences ( diplôme universitaire d' études scientifiques )

It was established by decree of 1 March 1973 and completed between 1993 and 1997 for the following 10 courses with implementing decrees and edicts about course content:

DEUG 1997 " réforme LMD " by applying the

Since 1997, the DEUG is open to all who have a high school diploma ( baccalauréat ) or equivalent degree. It is organized into four semesters, the first is the orientation. The lessons are grouped into lessons. The first year includes a tutorial. The universities lead annually to two appointments testing events through. Admission to the second year is approved if the student has taken and passed 70 % of the first year. There satisfy 80 % of the DEUG to be admitted to the Licence, without, however, receive the diploma.

Since 1997 there were only nine subjects. The first two (see above ) were combined to a specialist: " Sciences" " industrial technology " became the " DEUG Sciences et technologies".

DEUG since the implementation of reform Licence - Master - Doctorat

The DEUG will continue to be awarded by the universities and colleges. The curriculum in the subjects prescribed no longer national, but most universities still adhere to the requirements of the decrees. It is awarded today after two years of study at the 3- year cycle of the Licence - study.

Agreements with Austria

The Agreement on the Equivalence of Diplomas of 1 March 2000 between Austria and France, it is said:

" Holder of a diplôme d' études universitaires générales ( DEUG ) or a diploma entitled under national law in France to become full admission to any study regarding the acquisition of a license, apply for admission to the third year of a bachelor's or graduate studies in Austria; ... "
