
Diplopia ( Synonyms: double vision, double vision ) is usually a disorder of binocular vision, based on the perception of identical objects at different locations in space result. It is in a squinting eye caused by the projection of visual things on the retina, which have a different spatial localization to those on which the object was displayed at the non- squinting eye. Depending on which eye muscles are affected, the location of double images can be horizontal, vertical or tilted. In addition, the distance between them depending on the viewing direction vary greatly.

Diplopia may inter alia be accompanied by the following symptoms which have, as a central symptom of an eye muscle imbalance:

  • Lesions responsible for the motor supply to the muscles of the eye cranial nerves (paralysis strabismus ): oculomotor, trochlear, or abducens nerve
  • Disorder of the neuromuscular stimulus transmission as for myasthenia gravis or some poisoning ( botulism )
  • Mechanical limitations in the area of the orbit (eg, orbital floor, Brown syndrome, or space-occupying processes)
  • Inflammatory processes as an endocrine ophthalmopathy
  • Normosensorisches delayed strabismus
  • Decompensating heterophoria.

If the diplopia is perceived with only one eye ( monocular diplopia), this may be, inter alia, corneal changes such as keratoconus or cataract the reason. In very rare cases may be the unwanted result of intensive, pleoptischen amblyopia, monocular diplopia. Monocular diplopia can also occur when the eye has higher-order aberrations such as trefoil, coma or spherical aberration. Such aberrations can often be corrected with appropriate lenses.

Double vision can be corrected by optical means with prisms in certain cases and depending on the findings, but does not treat the triggering causes. Conversely, this means that double vision can also be triggered by prisms.

Another form of diplopia, which has no pathological background, is called physiological diplopia. This occurs when the retina projected objects outside the boundaries of the so-called Panumareals are.
