Discernment of spirits

Discernment of spirits is an expression of the Pauline and Johannine theology (1 Corinthians 12:10 Luth; 1 John 4:1-6 Luth ) and refers to the critical differentiation of thoughts, emotions and prophecies with regard to the extent to which they come from God or not. In the " Spiritual Exercises " ( " Spiritual Exercises " ) of Ignatius of Loyola is the discernment of spirits, the central Exercise:

"I presumed that there are three kinds of thoughts in me: those that are my own and only my freedom and my will arise, while the other two come from the outside. One from the good, the other from the evil spirit "

The student will gain experience is to distinguish in his own life what he or she leads to more love, more devotion to God or to the greater service to the people and what not. The distinction between the spiritual influences in groups and communities for their positive development is also of central importance.
