Distributed Computing Environment

The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE ) is an industry standard for distributed applications.

As the networking of heterogeneous heterogeneous computer systems increased at the beginning of the 1990s, introduced the Open Software Foundation a concept for the architecture of distributed computing systems. Distributed Computing Environment (DCE ) offers a range of services and tools such as security services, or directory services.

DCE is based on three foundations:

  • Client- server model: structuring
  • Remote Procedure Call: for communication between the various distributed programs with each other
  • Common data management

With DCE a big step towards unification architecture has been done, which were specific to the manufacturer in advance. The concept in software implementation for various platforms was abandoned after a short time. Similar to the OSI model also DCE was granted no success, but the underlying concepts have prevailed.

Meanwhile, the Open Group has demonstrated its DCE implementation under the LGPL, but still offers a license for developers of proprietary software.

General Overview

When Distributed Computing (English for distributed computing, Distributed and Decentralized computing or IT ) deals with an organized technique (a computer program) to calculate a common result in the individual processes of a distributed on different computers, running application.
