Diving plane

The hydroplane is used for fine control and rotation of a submarine about its longitudinal or transverse axis of the submerged state. When submarine changed by pressing the hydroplane of the angle of the control surface and thus on the input or output.

In deep rudder is a movable surface that the conning tower or either at the bow of the submarine, - is attached to the rear - most often. Today usually form - especially for larger submarines - the hydroplane and the main rudder a directional pad, the drive propeller located at its center.

To initiate a dipping process for large submarines, rich deep rudder alone is not sufficient to counteract the buoyancy of the submarine body. To dive with a submarine, so diving and control cells are necessary. This is to tanks that are filled to increase the weight when diving with water and the emergence of air.

The hydroplanes take only the fine-tuning in the submerged condition of the submarine. The arrangement of the forward hydroplanes varies greatly in modern submarines. At the tower -mounted hydroplanes are not able to support the immersion process, and complicate the emergence in icy water. Only small submarines sometimes have a dynamic depth control, ie, they control only with hydroplanes and do not dive and control cells. This technique is mainly used in unmanned submarines ( diving robots ) and model.

  • Ship Operation
  • Submarine construction