Djehuty (general)

Djehuti ( 15th century BC) was an Egyptian official who under Thutmose III. officiated. He is known on the objects of his grave features and a literary text.


Djehuti was the scribe of the king, troops head and chief of the northern foreign countries. In the story of the conquest of Joppa, he appears as a leading general in the conquest of the Asian city of Joppa. The conquest of the city was achieved that Djehuti and two hundred combatants were sewn into sacks. These were smuggled into the city without difficulty, as the local prince believed that if they were gifts. At night, the soldiers crept out of their bags and could open the city gates, which led to the conquest of the city.

His grave

The grave of Djehuti was found in 1824 in Saqqara. It was raw robbed and contained a number of valuable, partly golden objects, including a heart scarab, golden bowls, a dagger, canopic jars and many other offerings. Today there are only a few records to the discovery of the tomb. The objects have been sold to various museums, which is why the Facilities grave can hardly be reconstructed.
