
Djeseretanchnebti (also Djeseret -ankh - Nebti ) was perhaps an ancient Egyptian queen of the third dynasty. As this name has so far encountered without express Queens title, there are debates about the actual assignment to historical figures of the 3rd Dynasty. In addition, different readings are.

Research and interpretations

The name in question appears on multiple ivory masks that were found in the subterranean galleries of the grave Sekhemkhet pyramid at Saqqara. Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson and Zakaria Goneim read the name as " Djeser - ti" and see him as the Nebtinamen of Sekhemkhet, they identify it with the cartridge name " Djeserteti " and " Teti II " from Ramesside king lists.

Wolfgang Helck, however, reads the name as " Djeseret -ankh - Nebti " and suggested that this was the name of a wife of Pharaoh Djoserteti. Peter Kaplony and Jean -Pierre Pätznik also report on findings from Tonsiegeln from Elephantine, where the Nebtiname " Hetep Reindeer " repeatedly and appears alternately with the representation of Sechemchets Horus name. This would make " Hetep Reindeer " was the actual Nebti and birth name of Sekhemkhet and " Djeseret -ankh - Nebti " the. By his wife
