Don Juan Matus

Don Juan Matus (around 1890-1973 ) is a fictional character in the works of the American New Age writer Carlos Castaneda ( 1925-1998 ).


After presentation of the U.S. anthropologist Carlos Castaneda Don Juan Matus his teacher was in the tradition of the " Toltec sorcery ", a bitter controversy over the authenticity of the figure of Don Juan Matus is performed. Some, especially academic critics assume that we are dealing with a fictional character. Castaneda leads don Juan Matus, a magician and as a nagual an old panindianischen tradition of magicians and seers. He originally belonged to the Indians of the Yaqui tribe of Sonora in northern Mexico, but one of them was a Yuma Indians from Arizona. Don Juan Matus called his tradition as expressly panindianische, at locations other than Toltec tradition. This tradition is continued by several groups in different variations, which maintain only loose contact with each other. However, these groups do not belong to existing Indian tribes, still lead members of Wizards group shamanic tasks within a tribe from. Don Juan Matus was found as a young, poor Indians from his Indian teacher badly wounded, cared for and introduced by manipulation, tricks, cunning and forced into the magic. He was later trained alongside other wizards in a hacienda to have no contact with an Indian tribe. Some warriors and wizards are not Indians but Mexicans and whites. Carlos Castaneda should don Juan Matus replace as nagual ( leader with a special energy structure, which is doubled) after his departure from the world and conduct its own train of wizards. Castaneda could not fulfill this task and set up his own little train of sorceresses, with whom he later lived in Los Angeles. Don Juan Matus was even Nagual a train of wizards, which include Don Genaro, a Mazateke belonged. The term Yaqui Indian Don Juan for wearing considerably to the confusion of the readers and discrediting Castaneda, as the teachings of Juan Matus hardly have references to the shamanism of the Yaqui.

The train wizard is divided into so-called dreamers, Stalker and others. Don Juan taught Carlos the art of stalking, the characteristics of a warrior, the art of seeing and dreaming as well as life as impeccable warrior, an absolute requirement for the magic.

One of its basic methods is " stopping the world ", a constant stopping the internal dialogue, so the constant " with -oneself - speaking " ( whether consciously or unconsciously). Stopping the internal dialogue is in turn a prerequisite for advanced techniques of magic, such as dreaming and stalking. Dreaming is the ability with the rest of consciousness perform controlled acts in his sleep and emit the dream body. Stalking includes, inter alia, a complete recap of all social interactions in the life of the warrior until birth and is therefore extremely time consuming.

The ability to see, that is, People, animals, plants etc. perceive as energy beings that resemble glowing eggs, but according to Juan Matus is a stunning gift that develops during the apprenticeship with many warriors, with some never. Don Juan Matus had the ability to influence the " luminous eggs " any other people and to change their perception and even the shape desired.

Target of sorcery is to be able to keep the individual consciousness at the moment of death, and to exist as a pure form of energy on. The nagual Juan Matus said, "that something very impersonal " waiting for us outside there.

Don Juan Matus finished the apprenticeship Castaneda, by giving up his physical shape, with its train warriors and all were received together as energy beings into infinity and never returned. Castaneda was with another apprentice back alone.


The existence of Don Juan Matus was out in the reports Castaneda and his wife, also confirmed in books by Taisha Abelar and Florinda Donner-Grau, who developed the modern Tensegrity together with Carlos Castaneda. Another witness was Carol Tiggs, which held in the 90s, together with the foregoing seminars on Tensegrity and other aspects of the teachings of Don Juan Matus and has lived with them in a community in Los Angeles. According to Castaneda could be made except notes no records such as photos, etc. of Don Juan Matus.

Another theory is that Don Juan Matus was created from several real people.

Paul Watzlawick and part of his colleagues suspected for a long time that Milton H. Erickson, Don Juan Matus is. An assumption that Erikson, as reported by Watzlawick, smooth (and not just by telling a story ) said no. [See Paul Watzlawik: The possibility of otherness. On the technique of therapeutic communication. Bern et al 1977 ]

The true model of the literary Don Juan Matus, however, is Tata Cachora, which has become on January 14, 2014 100 years old.
