Door breaching

Under an emergency door opening means the forcible intrusion into a sealed housing due to an emergency situation. Such an emergency situation on the one hand by people in emergencies required, but also by other factors ( eg fire ) can be justified.

If, in the living room helpless persons or persons suspected in distress, one usually speaks also of a door opening with accident suspicion. The purpose of this emergency door opening is to rescue workers to gain access and to send the helpless person help. Most of these emergency door openings are accidents, acute illness or suicide ( attempt) s required and requested by police, ambulance or relatives.

An emergency door opening is also present when other incidents are true: This can be a ( emergent ) fire, but also a technical defect (eg water pipe burst ), which makes the intervention of the forces necessary to prevent greater damage. Under emergency door opening usually falls also had fallen door when in the living room the stove is turned on or infants or persons in need of supervision or care, are in the household.


Under certain circumstances, a simple " occurrence " of the door already be successful. However, since accident victims could lie directly behind the door, the forces should avoid using this method. Much more effective here is a hydraulic door opener, the can open many doors quickly. Since this unit is too expensive, especially for smaller fire departments, then either there back to other tools such as crowbars, spreader, fire ax, hammer, Ziehfix or wooden doors, the chain saw.

Sometimes the access via a second escape route ( for example, window or balcony) is easier. In addition, we may thus causes less property and personal injuries.

In cases highly secure doors, example of warehouses, coarser methods such as welding torch or abrasive cutter can be used. The ramming them with any vehicle, or even the use of explosives, however, usually occurs only in movies. Always the ratio of expenses to benefits and possible violations shall be considered to save Santander. The decision is made by the relevant director of operations, this also bears the responsibility.

The situation is different for ships out at sea. If it is suspected that there are on a ship goods subject to a trade embargo or was a ship of pirates hijacked, provide access technicians boarding company of the German Navy by mechanical and ballistic, but certainly also busting technical opening procedure access to the ship or to search container.


From the emergency door opening which is to distinguish "normal" door opening. This can be done in exceptional cases, by the fire, but only if the fire occurs not as a key service in competition. The tools for opening the door are usually iron door opening and Ziehfix, under certain circumstances, cylinder milling or other less destructive methods. Here is a way by other inputs ( windows, etc.) possibly cheaper, since no emergency situation exists. Compared to the emergency door opening, the door opening is chargeable. If it is at a door opening for assistance, for example, emergency medical services for the care of injured, then this may be exempt from the cost. More detailed information is provided by the fire department laws, regulations, crews and fees crews of states, districts and municipalities.


In recent years, more and more cases were from suicide ( attempt) s by suffocation known in which, for example, Charcoal was used. This practice poses a particular threat to the forces, since the respiratory poisons occurring such as Are recognizable carbon monoxide usually odorless and not readily available. When a suspected such a case should therefore be taken as possible with a meter to determine the ambient air and possibly with respiratory protective equipment, to ensure the personal safety of the emergency responders.
