Dorabella Cipher

As Dorabella Cipher (English Dorabella Cipher ) refers to a three-line putative ciphertext, the Dora Mary Powell, born Penny ( 1874-1964 ) in 1937 published her memories of Edward Elgar anhängte, Edward Elgar: Memories of a variation. The putative ciphertext was supposedly a letter from Elgar's Dorabella woman at Penny's stepmother from 1897 attached; on its back was supposedly "Miss Penny ".

The three lines consist of lengths and direction- related variations of the letter E. To date, the text could not be decrypted. Elgar's alleged authorship is given by the signature and Mrs. Powell called " the third letter I had from him, if indeed it is one" indicated. The whereabouts of the original is not known.

Four boxes of posthumous papers Mrs. Powell's (GB 1249 MS 5571 ) In 1986 the library of the Royal College of Music, London passed.


The Australian Tim S. Roberts struck in September 2009, the following plain text.

" P. S. Now droop beige weeds set in it - pure idiocy - one Entire bed! Luigi Ccibunud luv'ngly tuned liuto studo two. "
