
Dorcas is a female first name. The name comes from ancient Greek and is translated, gazelle '; one thus named Dorcas exists.

Origin and Meaning of the Name

The form of the name taken from the Greek translation of the Bible for the ancient Greek name Dorcas has the meaning Gazelle '. You also used the Aramaic name was Tabitha with the same meaning, which was translated by Luther with deer. Since 1984, the King James Version uses the name Tabitha according to the New Testament Greek text. This is the case with all other German translations today. Thus, the name Dorcas disappeared in the newer translations of the Bible.

Dorcas, a disciple of Jesus, the resurrected Peter. It was for their kindness and helpfulness known (cf. Acts 9.36-41: " they did much good and plentiful alms ").

Famous names winners

  • Dorcas Pine ( * 1972 ), German actress and singer
  • Dorcas Reinacherstrasse - Harlin (1885-1968), German ceramist
  • Female first name