Dork Tower

Dork Tower is a webcomic of the American cartoonist John Kovalic. The comic is set in the fictional town of Mud Bay, Wisconsin, and revolves around characters whose hobbies are located in the fan and geek sector. Anthologies of Dork Tower will be published in Germany by Verlag Feder & Schwert. The name is based on a Dungeons and Dragons adventure of Judges Guild named " Dark Tower " and its successor " The Legendary Duck Tower " by Paul Jaquays.


Recurring themes include role playing, LARP and board games, especially Dungeons & Dragons and d20, comics, collectible card games, movies, series and books in the fields of fantasy and science fiction and computer games and game consoles, especially sports games and PlayStation 2

In addition to numerous smaller strips on these issues, there is a frame story, in which focus is on the relationship between Matt and Gilly.


Matt McLimore is the main figure of identification of most stories. His favorite game is Warhamster ( an allusion to the game Warhammer ). After an interrupted study and work as a commercial artist he is unemployed at the moment. In his spare time he is an artist for his comic The Girl. In the role-play round of Mud Bay characters he is the GM and is planning major campaigns, which mostly find by Igors play a swift end. Matt, along with Kayleigh, but they are an odd couple. Matt has two cats.

Igor Olman is through and through a fanboy. He increases in each game and each Sammelwahn to self-abandonment into it. Igor's favorite game is Vampire, he plays in the role play group usually a paladin. He is stout and hates Kayleigh. He is what one generally called Munchkin. He owns a gerbil named Wolfgang.

Ken Mills is a software developer and probably the most serious of the chaotic force. He likes miniatures. In the role play group he plays a cleric. At the moment he is with Sujata, the roommate Kayleigh, together.

Carson is a muskrat. He loves video games on consoles, but also computer games on his Mac. He goes through a variety of jobs, one he worked at an Internet café. In the role-play, he mostly plays a thief.

Bill Blyden is the owner of Pegasaurus Games, the local gaming store. He is thus the source for any geek madness of Mud Bay community.

Gilly Woods is to settle in the Gothic sector, but like a reproach to her brother Walden also sweet and cheerful things. She knows Matt about Igor, who wants to marry off the two.

Walden Woods is Gilly's brother and the head of the goth community in Mud Bay.

Kayleigh works as a journalist in Mud Bay. It is with Matt, with whom she was in college and in elementary school, but shares none of his hobbies besides the preference for Buffy - The Vampire Slayer. She comes from a good family and is rather conservative.

Sujata is the roommate Kayleigh, who is currently with Ken together. She knows Kayleigh, Matt and Igor since elementary school.

Maxwell and his wife Claire are fanatical role player. It is not entirely clear how they stand exactly with the other in connection. My little son is also evolving into an enthusiastic player, which arise generational conflicts (eg AD & D to D & D).


The comic won the 2001, 2002 and 2003, several Origins Awards, including for best play -related regular publication and the best games -related fictional work.
