Dose area product

The dose area product, abbreviated DFP, is a measurement of the Dosimetry and basis for the calculation of radiation exposure during an x-ray with an X-ray device (eg, fluoroscopy, angiography, grid - wall device, mobile C- arm, etc.). The dose area product dose area product is sometimes also abbreviated FDP called.

As we receive both the exposed surface as the dose in the calculation of the dose area product, the value of this quantity is independent of the distance from radiator. The measurement of the ionization chamber is carried out with DFP, which are attached to the beam exit window of the X-ray apparatus. They document the radiation dose, which was exposed in the investigation of the patient. The DFP is responsible for the risk assessment of exposure to radiation is of great importance.

The unit of measurement commonly used ( centi -Gray · square centimeter) are respectively (Gray · square centimeter) or (micro Gray · square meters).


Manual diagnostic radiology, by Jürgen Frey Schmidt, Theodor Schmidt Online at Google Books

  • Radiation Protection