
Dosha is a key concept in Ayurveda and refers to the three different life energies Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They give the man his individual constitution, and regulate his physical and mental function. Everyone is after him with an own constitution ( Prakriti ), that is a only his peculiar mixture of the three doshas born. This is determined by the constitution of the parents and by the time of conception and other factors.

The at birth downer constitution ( Prakriti ) is for each person the individual norm of a balanced state dar. It may well one of the three doshas greatly outweigh, for example, in a vata constitution (see below). Only when the balance of the doshas device relative to the constitution out of balance, which can be done by bad habits, improper diet, overwork, etc., creates an unnatural, potentially pathogenic state ( Vikriti ), and we are vulnerable.

In Ayurveda is therefore striven to maintain the state of Prakriti. In case of illness the disease in Ayurveda is always treated with respect to the constitution or to an out- of -balance dosha, in such a way that the state of individual equilibrium is restored.

The three doshas


Vata (pronounced Wata ) comes from Sanskrit and means to move '. It is responsible for all movement in the body, both physical and mental. Vata represents the principle of the lightness and variation. As a cosmic connection, it is the wind and the basic principle is change. The elements are ether and air, and the influences of activity and exercise. Vata is cold, flexible, dry, penetrating

The Vata type

  • Very large or very small
  • Slender, thin, delicate
  • Long face, small eyes,
  • Irregular teeth and narrower lips
  • Light weight and easier to build
  • Dry skin, dry hair, curly hair curls
  • Veins clearly visible
  • Tends to dry skin
  • Freezes easily, especially on the hands and feet
  • Enthusiastic, mentally very agile
  • Get things going quickly
  • Has an aversion to cold and windy weather
  • Irregular hunger and irregular digestion, tendency to constipation
  • Quick wit and good short -term memory
  • Tendency to worry and grief, as well as light and fragmented sleep
  • Responds quickly and often changes the subject
  • Can not so well on and by keeping things
  • Promises much, but then be unable to comply
  • Has many ideas, but brings little to end


Pitta means " heat " and consists of the elements fire and water. It is responsible for all biochemical activities, including the production of heat. Pitta is related to the sun and the basic principle is the conversion. It affects the metabolism. Pitta is hot.

The Pitta type

  • Moderate Body
  • Things going on at medium speed
  • Works very systematic and organized
  • Aversion to heat
  • Average comprehension and memory
  • Good speaker
  • Learned are systematically re-
  • Enterprise funny and courageous character
  • Tendency to impatience and annoyance
  • Precise and accurate tilt perfection
  • Excitable
  • Preferably cold food and cold drinks
  • Tendency to freckles and birthmarks
  • Loves spending time outdoors, sea, mountains
  • Must in sports to feel good
  • High hairline, tends early to receding hairlines and balding


(Pronounced Kaffa ) Kapha is composed of the elements water and earth, the basic principle is the inertia. It stands for stability, Nourishing, Caring, Maternal and is responsible on a physical level for all festivals such as bones, teeth and nails. Kapha is cool.

The Kapha type

  • Stable and heavier build, tendency to become overweight
  • Great strength and endurance
  • Get things methodically and slowly
  • Tendency to smooth and oily skin
  • Slight feeling of hunger and slow digestion
  • Quiet and stable personality
  • Slow learner, but good long-term memory
  • Strong, rather dark hair
  • Hard to bring calm
  • Is true to his word, stay tuned
  • Tends to melancholy
  • Takes hard things
  • Tendency to whining and does not move so much

Determination of the individual doshas

For a history in Ayurveda involves determining the current state of doshas, as many treatments depend on it. The Ayurvedic doctor are this many choices available, such as the pulse diagnosis or different information about physique, habits and preferences. In general, a questionnaire will be used. On the Internet there are several such questionnaires with automatic evaluation and Dosha determination. Such self-tests can show trends, but not a substitute for professional diagnosis.

  • Ayurveda