Draba aizoides

Evergreen Felsenblümchen ( Draba aizoides )

The Evergreen Felsenblümchen ( Draba aizoides ) is a species of the genus Felsenblümchen ( Draba ) in the family of cruciferous plants ( Brassicaceae).


The Evergreen whitlow is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches the heights of growth of about 5 to 10 cm. The up to 2 cm long leaves form dense rosettes. There are no stem leaves present. The racemose inflorescences are three - to 20 - flowered. The hermaphrodite, fourfold flowers are stalked. The petals are yellow at first and are often later whitish. The fruit stalks can be about 5 to 15 mm long. The fruits are little pods and are 6-13 mm long, acuminate above, usually sparsely hairy bald and rarely on the edge.

The flowering period extends from March to August.


The lime-loving plant prefers rock crevices and stone rubble to the Alpine area. The occurrence in the colline to montane zone is ice age relics.


The Evergreen Felsenblümchen part of the foundation of the nival flora and adapted distinguished by evergreen, leathery leaves to extreme habitats. The preformed in autumn blooms can also spend the winter without snow protection. In bad weather, self-pollination is possible. Fruits ripen until winter. Therefore, the plant is one of the so-called winter uprights.
