Dramatic structure

The exposure (Latin expositio = statement, representation ) is an essential component of a novel or stage play ( drama ).


The term refers to the effective implementation of the spectator in mood, initial situation, conflict, states, time, place and persons of the play and preparing for understanding important prerequisites before that time can also be significantly before the actual stage action.

Manfred Pfister exposure defined as " the assignment of information about the past in the past and the present determines conditions and circumstances of the immediately dramatic situations presented " and distinguishes between initial and successively integrated exposures. In classical drama, the exposure is usually integrated as a protasis in the plot of Act 1 / 1 presence and will be completed by the exciting moment.


A well-known example of an exposure of Helena monologue is " much admired and reviled much " at the beginning of the Helena tragedy in the second part of Goethe's Faust. In English literature, the Soliloquy Richards III applies as the best known example of a planning monologue connected to the self-characterization of the protagonist in Shakespeare's Richard. In the more modern German literature of the first movement of Max Frisch's " Biedermann and the Arsonists " is considered a good example: " Not even a cigar, you can now burn, without thinking of fire ... that 's disgusting - "
