Dresden (Tennessee)

Weakley County


Dresden ( Tennessee) is a small town and the administrative seat of Weakley County in the northeast of the U.S. state of Tennessee. Dresden is located 121 miles northeast of Memphis, 65 miles east of the Mississippi, and 130 miles west of Nashville. Dresden is located about halfway between Chicago and New Orleans.

In the village there are some schools, among them also a high school and an elementary school.

The population ( as of 2009) is 2839, of which 1319 are male and 1520 female. The average age is 38.8 years. The population density is 207.7 km ² The distribution of the population among ethnic criteria is Caucasoid with 2690 ( 94.2 %), 124 Negroid (4.3% ), 13 ( 0.5%), Latin American, 10 ( 0.4%) Asian inhabitants, and 1 (0.04 %) American residents indicated.


The Weakley County was established on 21 October 1823 after the land was ceded by the Chickasaw Indians. It was named after Colonel Robert Weakley, a spokesman for the Senate from Tennessee.

For the first time in Dresden in 1827 officially determined and registered. The town was named by Mears Warner (1799-1863), who came initially as a commissioner in the Weakley County to assess the future establishment and to create. Weakley was subsequently one of the first settlers of the city and gave it the name of Dresden in commemoration of his father, a Presbyterian emigrants, who was born in the German city of Dresden in Saxony.

The land on which the town is located today, was originally 56.5 acres in size, of which 39 acres back to a donation by John Terrell and 17.5 acres of Simpson Orgon Ewing and Wilson were bought. It was then divided into 90 parcels and a centrally located piece of the establishment of the District Court building. In April 1825, the first public auction was held for the sale of urban land.

Already in 1843, the city was enlarged in 1869 and 1845 and reformed. In 1885, then the city order was in the course of a superficial attempt to expel the saloons of the city, overridden. It would be another 11 years until a new city government was established. Then the Stadtordung was a few times supplemented, most recently in 1968 and 1980.

In 1868, the " Nashville and Northwestern Railroad " railway company railway line through Dresden finished. Unfortunately, there was at the time already numerous railway stations in the surrounding communities Gleason, Ralston, Martin and Gardener, what Dresden was a departure from the commercial and business result, whereas the city had been the economic center of the entire district by then. Furthermore, the Civil War had also a negative impact on the further urban development.

Built in 1854 of red brick courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1947 and 1949, replaced by a new building in marble, in which the district court is still housed today.

The first major economic settlements were 1948 Bay Bee Shoe Company, and in 1949 the Dresden Manufacturing Company.
