Drop tube

As a drop tower is called a tower, in which for the purpose of generating short-term weightlessness ( to about 10 seconds duration) Drop tests are performed. Since air resistance would lead to undesirable, the gravity effect disturbing forces, the free fall of the capsule takes place in an evacuated tube. The drop capsule lands at the foot of the drop tube " soft " in a container with Styrofoam balls. Frequently drop towers to extend the simulation of weightlessness have a catapult device which catapults the capsule in the drop tube to the top. The most famous case tower is the Bremen drop tower.


  • Preliminary investigations of weltraumgestützen experiments, such as studies on the formation of planets
  • Basic research in physics, eg to check the validity of the general theory of relativity and the principle of the universality of free fall ( principle of equivalence)
  • Investigations of flow processes in liquids
  • Materials Research
  • Earlier for the production of shot, see Schrotturm
  • Occasionally also as an attraction in theme parks