Drosera dielsiana

Drosera dielsiana, flower

Drosera dielsiana is a carnivorous plant in the genus Sundew ( Drosera ). It is native to South Africa and was first described in 1956 by Arthur Wallis Exell & Jack Rodney Laundon.


Drosera dielsiana are herbaceous plants and grow as a floor-standing, compact rosettes with some long, thin roots.

The 15 to 25 leaves are sessile, old leaves dissolve rapidly on. The stipules are small, fringed and ear -shaped, the leaf blade is spathulate, up to 2 inches long and 6 mm wide, rounded at the end, tapering to the approach point to a leaf stalk -like, hairy part. The lower leaf surface is hairy only sparse.

The inflorescence axis is usually erect, rarely bent at the lower part, hairy at the base, leafless and up to 20 inches long, at the end she wears around eight, sometimes up to twelve small, rarely open flowers to 2 millimeters long pedicles. The sepals are fused, the individual lobes are up to 5 millimeters long. The petals are inversely egg-shaped, nailed, fuchsia, purple or white and have a length of up to 7 millimeters.

The stamens are narrow winged. The pens are bifurcated from the roots, the scars membranous and spoon-shaped. The fruit capsules are oblong - round and 5 mm long, the seeds are ovoid, 0.4 mm long and black, the surface has a honeycomb pattern.


The species is found in South Africa in the eastern Transvaal, Swaziland and northern Natal, to southern tropical Africa, mainly on mountain plateau.


  • A. A. Obermeyer: Droseraceae, in: The Flora of Southern Africa, 13: 201, 1970