Duck and Cover

Duck and Cover is a civil defense film published in 1951 for children. It was produced by Archer Productions Inc. and promoted by the U.S. Civil Defense Agency ( U.S. Federal Civil Defense Administration).

The animated turtle Bert the Turtle shows children how to behave at the atomic bomb explosions. She explains to you that such an event is identifiable by a bright flash, which according to film commentator " brighter than the sun, brighter than anything [ is ] what you've ever seen ." Since you tossed about by the force of the explosion, hit by flying debris and broken glass and skin burns could pull it applies in this case, immediately facing the ground close crouch (English (to) duck " to duck for cover go " ), and to cover themselves (English (to) cover" to cover " ), as with a mantle, table cloths or even a newspaper. If possible, this should behind walls, done in doorways or similar coverage offered objects. The keyword " Duck and Cover " is repeated in the film several times instructive, even within a song about the turtle Bert whose behavior is presented as an example.

Frequently over this educational film criticism is voiced, he would deal with a potential nuclear attack " naive ". In fact, the simple techniques of the film are meaningful and have the probability of survival in the event of a nuclear attack increases, provided that the person is located at a sufficient distance from the hypocenter or specific landscape conditions or other circumstances, the direct consequences of the explosion shield sufficient. Meanwhile, the film focuses solely on the direct consequences of the nuclear explosion and concealing the dangers of the subsequent fallout. In addition, the dangers of nuclear explosions are compared with those of fire and those of road transport. However, this corresponded to the American " spirit " of the 1950s.

The old film is used in decades as a teaching tool or educational material. In 2004 the film was selected as culturally and historically significant for the National Film Registry.

The term has a " d & c" ( duck and cover ) also found in IRC lingo input.
