
Never Klug ( Незнайка / nesnaika ) is the main character in the children's books "Nevermore Klug tots Land" ( Приключения Незнайки и его друзей ) and "Nevermore Klug in sun city " ( Незнайка в Солнечном городе ) of the Soviet author Nikolai Nosov ( Николай Носов ).

Never Klug is a kid who goes with his friends Always Klug, ScrewFix, Schraubschnell, noodle Dick, Rennefix and other adventure. The children books are set in the fictional city of flowers and sun city locations. The third part, "Nevermore Klug's Trip to the Moon " ( Незнайка на Луне ), was not published in full in German language. Only an advance copy of the first four chapters of this volume appeared in 1968 in the magazine " Soviet literature " under the title: " Weißichnicht flying to the moon ". This preprint was established in November 2006 as a small-sized booklet under the title " Never Klug flies to the Moon" reprinted.


  • Literary Figure
  • Literature ( 20th century)
  • Literature ( Russian)
  • Children 's and Youth Literature