Duplicate Content

Duplicate Content (English for " duplicate content " ) refers to the representation of the same content on different websites. This applies both to the same websites as well as different domains.

Filter search engines duplicate content out or evaluate it in some cases even negative.

Duplicate content can occur when multiple URLs display the same content. This can for example be the case when appended to a URL or GET parameters or in different order: www.example.com/index.php?a=1&b=2 and www.example.com/index.php?b=2&a = 1 usually provide identical pages, but are different URLs. So search engines see two addresses that have the same or similar content and will display in appropriate searches only one of these pages.

Another commonly encountered form of duplicate content is created in the availability of a web page stating the www subdomain if it is simultaneously accessible without this information (ie http://www.example.com/ for example, and http:// example.com / ). This problem usually occurs on each underside of a domain automatically. As a solution is to set up a forwarding so that, for example, the call forwards to http://www.example.com/ http://example.com/. These http://www.example.com/ should deliver the HTTP status code 301, so that the crawlers of the search engines recognize the transfer.

The Canonical link you can specify for the search engine, under which URL is the "original " page. The use of this tag always makes sense when accessibility is absolutely necessary through multiple URLs. A concrete example of this special print versions of a web page. Canonical tags can be used both for HTML web pages as well as for non-HTML websites such as Office or PDF documents to create. However, should the canonical tag be incorporated into the HTTP header in the latter case on the configuration of the web server for that. To avoid problems with the pagination is rel = "next " and rel = " prev " worked with the commands out to the relationship between a main category page and the Paginationsseiten.
