Dupontia (plant)

Dupontia psilosantha

The tundra grasses ( Dupontia ) are a genus of the family of grasses, which comprises about 200 species.


Tundra grasses are among the perennial plants and 10-25 cm high. They have long underground runners. Your stiff, narrow, solitary stalks bear the narrow panicle of inflorescence. The elongated, flat leaves of the plant are pointed at its end. The elongated, laterally flattened spikelets are two to vierblütig. Each flower has three stamens and a well-defined style. The glumes are about as long as the lemmas.

The genus name honors the French botanist JD Dupont.


The genus occurs in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly here in North America.


The genus is divided into only four likely sources describe Arten.Andere world's 17 species.

Safe ways:

  • Fischer tundra grass ( Dupontia fischeri )
  • Bald tundra grass ( Dupontia psilosantha )