Dwarf sawfish

Zwergsägerochen ( above), including a Pacific angel shark ( Squatina californica )

The Zwergsägerochen ( Pristis clavata ) is a species of ray. The fish live on the tropical coast of Australia in the shallow shelf and in brackish water.


The body of the Zwergsägerochen is haiartig with pronounced pectoral fins, the top green - brown, rarely yellowish, the underside is white. The head is flat armed with a sword-like snout of more even width and with 18 to 22 pairs of laterally projecting teeth. On the skin he wears as most cartilaginous fish placoid scales. Maximum lengths of 1.40 m can be achieved.

Way of life

The fish live near the coast in shallow water and mud flats and feed on smaller fish and bottom-dwelling invertebrates. For people it does not harm people dar. Zwergsägerochen are ovoviviparous.
